Oh, this is what we called night, when your eyelids are screaming for heaven's sake to be shut. And a time to think, WTH have you done this day. I started thinking about my life... have I gone mature, as I always want to be, so I can end this unstable self, this selfish being?
What is mature?
Soon, I arrived in a page where all I can see is...*UNSPOKABLE*
And my skilled fingers jumped from links to another, until I arrived at http://rediscoveringatlantis.blogspot.com.
Hmm... seems interesting. I viewed the comments, searching for something useful, perhapsmy answer lies here?
My eyes caught this:
dulu kita lagi ngomongin apa saya juga lupa -_-
pokonya ka dora bilang ,
"kenapa sih kalian bisa bilang orang alay ? sebenernya kamu juga bisa dibilang sama orang
alay . jadi alay tuh menurut penglihatan kamu apa ? misalkan baju yg orang pake dan menurut kamu gaya itu alay atau lebay,tapi menurut yg pake itu keren . bisa juga kan sekarang baju yg kamu pake atau kamu ke mall pake baju ala kamu , bisa juga kan orang nganggep itu alay atau lebay . jadi setiap orang bisa mengatakan semua orang itu alay atau lebay ? bisa juga kalo kamu pake sepatu kek pake gelang pake apapun yang kamu anggap oke belom tentu diliat orang juga oke bisa juga malah dibilang alay atau lebay . "
gue tambah2in dikit sih .
bukannya mau sok tau apa sok pinter apa sok apapun
ya mungkin gue juga belom bisa berhenti mengucapkan kata alay
mungkin karena tulisannya yang
" iH k4myu koQ g1tHu C11 "
apa yang
" Ih Qm keNaPa cIh ? "
ya pake angka2 atau hurufnya besarkecil
ya sebenernya kita emang ngga nyaman bacanya . tapi mungkin itu yang mereka bilang keren .
yang mereka suka ya tulisannya kaya gitu
mungkin kita harus lebih bisa menghargai apapun .
dan kita harus menyadari setiap orang berbeda. apa yang orang suka
juga ngga sama , ada yang kita suka mereka ngga suka dan sebaliknya
jadi sih menurut gue , kita harus bisa menghargai ya kalo kita juga mau di hargai
ya mungkin ngga penting , tapi menurut gue bisa masuk akal kan -,-
I know you Indonesians do not need translations for that. And... worthy clue. Mmmm.
So I did a little, general intuitive analysis from that blog, with a hope to know more about this man. I read several early posts, dated back to July '09... I also have seen both pros buddies (Partydorks and sorts of) and cons guys (APWG), although some members of both group showed up sympathy to each other.
I don't know why, but in less than 5 months, the musician/blogger (Dochi Sadega) showed great advance in his posts. The way he thinks, writes, to calm down and not let his emotion take over too much. But not the people around. Only several notable individuals (example) showed maturity, proper considering and way of addresing dislike, respect, and so on. The rest are just throwing either fanatic support or hatred, without a stronger base. Someone may say "oh no, this is wrong, bla bla bla...." and they just accept whatever fits with them, "yes, yes that's right, we must do that, bla bla...." and when someone argues it the mighty word appears.
Seems like they are having problem, between this and that. Music, sexuality, style, .... They argue every single thing, every single mind. And even some pretends to be neutral, some are real... some did that just to protect theirself.
To end a problem... maturity is a must. Not to mean plain logic - we need intuition and feeling to deal with those who use it solely as their guide of life. Now lemme ramble and conclude.
We live in our own imaginative perception, embracing us like a personal atmosphere. Inside it, we can't see something truly as is - just like stars blink and thus alters our observation, if we see it from Earth. Every single thing will be different because of our own perceptive. Thus our emotion plays here, showing up our childish attitude.
To reach maturity, we must GTHO from this toxic atmosphere. The only problem is this atmosphere is quite sturdy and hard to pass, like a barrier wall. Humans tend to pretend that they are outside the wall, even if they're inside - just to make them seems right. They tried to walk just like the barrier doesn't exist, but they stuck on it.
Then they have to admit that they are inside, with all their weakness and wrongs. It hurts, yes. The shame, the guilt, the everything, but we have to do this. So we can calm down and find a door.
And then you're free. Just like that. After the pain.
The PAIN, stultum.
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