Sunday, January 10, 2010

Enggris Please, For All Satanic Things

Humans, ourselves said, are the most intelligent living being in the known universe, or at least the known Earth. Looking (figuring, I should say - only a part of our history were written. The rest are mounds of boney earth, enriched with Carbon - 14 isotope) to our past, the first appearance of Homo sapiens, our kind, could be dated back to 200,000 years ago. What a bunch of old wise men we are.

Speaking about intelligence, I suddenly pulled something buried beneath ashes, broken fridge. Intelligence... what it says... it's something "ability to reason..." "use language..." whatever. Search Wiki. F.Y.I, a Language is is a particular kind of system for encoding and decoding info. (Straight from my Encyclopedia)

Speaking about language...
Oh please stop use "speeking about" I tired it is bored. Enggris please?
No, I created it myself. No - one is foolish enough to write that broken Enggeris, in my age. 

But I wonder whether this has correlation with person's character and culture. Yes, the language. It seems to me that language depicts its users. Here are some examples :

Brit. Engl : Taking every latin - based languages' vocabs.
Users      : Taking over the world on the past, leaving Commonwealth Nations scattered over the world.

Ame. Engl  : Fast and distinct.
Users      : Slow coach potatoes and indifferent.

Indonesian : So simple yet confusing.
Users      : Applies for the girls.

Malaysian  : Quite odd.
Users      : Very odd.

Japanese   : Writing pictures.
Users      : Producing (nude) pictures.

Arabic     : Write from right to left, fighting the stream.
Users      : Currently fighting the world, and are always right.

(Just kidding. The list above are modified form of common stereotypes which could be found everywhere.)

Seriously, our language shows our inner self and intelligence. A person able to speak a lot of languages are quite rare. Since I use three, you can call me... 
Just forget it. My Hanyu's terrible.
Make penfriends, not friend pens.
Manh Xa - Khaia

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