Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Strong, Are You?

"There are obviously many things which we do not understand, and may never be able to."
(taken from Marathon)

The word above is a variation of a concept to justify our weakness as a human : Stultum (foolish).

For an uncertain period of its civilization span, humans have never truly reached the agreement about their point of life; why we are here, why we were put in the Earth rather than Tau Ceti, why we prefer dealing with our Macs rather than hunting for food and knowledge.

The last statement came from me. :D

Humans try to answer, but they never reached a point where their two ideas met.
It is the battle of Intuition and Logic. Not between man and women - women can get strong if only they are willing to let go their primitive nature of intuition (which is useless to say, since everyone believes it's their nature - but it isn't, it's patriarchal society - made.)

The Big Battle between The Faithful (religions, mystics, intuitives) and The Naturalist (scientists, sceptics, logics) has been started since people start knowing - I wonder why. However, I found something metaphorical to picture this - the famous Knowledge Tree, which fruit Adam ate.
For those who don't know about this, Humans begin their finite life when Adam ate the fruit which gave him Knowledge - that's why it's the Tree of Knowledge. We can conclude like this :

Know, and you're die.
Keep foolish, and you're safe.

But is it true?

Which of those two are better?

Anyway... I found some clues.

1st Answer : . It's a guide to critical thinking. To us it seems dangerous, and most will feel uneasy with this, since this site's views about supranatural things (and religions) are quite sceptical.

But we FEEL. We can't trust and rely on just our feelings, can we? All our senses can lie to us, but logic can never do the same - assuming you don't get confused with pseudoscience which seems logical.
Feelings are USELESS, for the WEAK.

And I've found that we can see God from a different perspective... and He looks even more powerful.

2nd Answer : my favourite game! (Marathon, in this case Marathon Infinity)

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override)
0833 05.10.2337

rogue conditioned unit
High Admiral Tfear (Command)
rogue conditioned unit
stamp: leniency

Very impressive. The primary function of intelligence is the subordination of our instinctive desires, the mark of a strong species. Which is why your kind will serve well the needs of the Hindmost Creche. The Hindmost is of an intelligence so vast, it encompasses the span of the Pfhor, and to those privilege to serve Her, appears insane. That is the final function of the Commanding Rank, the thought that we keep forever in our minds, that we deny our selfish, willful needs, so that the Empire will survive.

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That's right - notice the highlighted text. :)

So which one is the true death? Knowing the truth... or knowing what we want to know?
I haven't found the answer yet.
It's all your choice, but whatever you choose, think carefully.

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