Tuesday, December 8, 2009

poetry |ˈpōətrē; ˈpōitrē|

literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature : he is chiefly famous for his love poetry.
• a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems : poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music.
• something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty : the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry.
ORIGIN late Middle English : from medieval Latin poetria, from Latinpoeta ‘poet.’ In early use the word sometimes referred to creative literature in general.
I have realized since long that my lazy brain likes dreaming, wondering... without any point at all. Without some intelligence to control it, the result would be catastrophic. As the result, I put all those things my brain tries to claim as its product, when it's only cliche things happened in my life.
Like this.

 Today at 04:12 | Edit Draft | Remove
Keringat bercucuran membasahi dahiku.

Mataku berlinang hantu yang hidup segan mati tak mau. Tercium daging yang membusuk, makin lama makin bau. Rangka yang tersisa, tulang - tulang yang tak lagi bersatu.

Ada orang berkata, segala yang buruk pasti akan tercium baunya. Deodoran sepuluh botol pun takkan mampu menyembunyikan aromanya. Kalau begitu, tinggal tunggu waktu saja sebelum orang menelanjangi kubur para pendosa.

Dan peluh menyiram cangkulku, cangkul yang menerabas batuan yang menghalangiku. Napasku makin memburu, makin nafsu. Kututup mataku, kulenyapkan ngeriku, kurangsang birahiku.

Aku mengangkat mayat itu, matanya memantulkan wajahku.

Nothing could be worse.


Benakribo said...

bedehhhh gila.. sampe garuk2 pantat gua hahaha .. gue lagi belajar bahasa2 gitu juga tuh biar lebih dalem gitu kalo dibaca ahehe

Kevin Reiner said...

hahay ...
lo pasti bisa lah ben. cuma modal tahan pede sama banyak baca kok hahaha

Kevin Reiner said...

hahay ...
lo pasti bisa lah ben. cuma modal tahan pede sama banyak baca kok hahaha

Kevin Reiner said...

hahay ...
lo pasti bisa lah ben. cuma modal tahan pede sama banyak baca kok hahaha